Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions hereunder are applicable to the clinical visit and the use of this website. By taking part in this study, you declare to have understood these terms and conditions and agree with them.


The data collected in this study will be used for scientific research. All data will be handled and analysed in a coded manner. In practicality this means that, to protect the privacy of you or your child, the data collected with be given a code. The name and other information that could identify you or your child will thereby be omitted. The key to the code (a list coded numerically, unique for each participant) will, for a period of 15 years, stay stored safely in the local research institute, the Emma Paediatric Hospital in AmsterdamUMC. After coding, it will not be possible to link the data to you or your child. Even in rapports and publications generated with data from the study, it will not be possible to trace it back to you or your child.

For general information regarding your rights during the the processing of your personal data you can visit the website of the authority of personal data.

Willing participation

The participation in the study is completely willing. If you do not want to participate in the study, you don't have to. Even if you give permission now, you can always, without explanation withdraw with consent.

Approval by Medical Ethical Comittee

The medical ethical approval committee of the Amsterdam UMC has been informed of this study, read the protocols and has given it it's seal of approval.